Friday, June 13, 2008

Caption this photo

Congac_Thighs sent us the photo below earlier this week and we've spent every waking second since trying to think of something funny to say about it and/or a caption that would bring joy to you readers on a Friday afternoon. Despite all efforts, nothing was had and this is where you come in. Caption this photo NOW. The best caption will win something awesome that has yet to be determined, but it will be something tangible and well worth the effort. It won't be anything as helpful to the US economy as this one, as environmentally helpful as this one or as get-through-the-rest of-the-day helpful as this one, but it'll be great.

So go ahead and caption aren't doing work anyway.

1 comment:

glass_window said...

Clearly the sign states you may not use a whoopee cushion.