Monday, June 9, 2008

When technology goes bad: Twittering

Our online source of all the important info known to man, Wikipedia, defines Twittering: Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send "updates" (or "tweets"; text-based posts, up to 140 characters long) to the Twitter web site, via the Twitter web site, short message service (SMS), instant messaging, or a third-party application such as Twitterrific or Facebook.

We here at Vocabulary Shenanigans think otherwise, especially when uttered by some poor Cap Hill staff who thinks it's cool to be connected to every social networking site available, but in fact, it just makes them sound completely unconnected to the real world.

It's especially funny when taken out of context or as defined by Urban Dictionary: Twitter--female perineum; that area of the anatomy between the the twat and the shitter.

"DUDE! I'm twittering" just makes us giggle, no matter what.

1 comment:

glass_window said...

Did you twitter this? I know I did.